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It is important to understand and familiarize yourself with the proper etiquette if you are attending the funeral of someone whose religion or ethnicity is different from yours. Out of liberal writings at least three different individualistic justifications for religious freedom are discernible as well as justifications that are based not on the rights of the individual but rather on the relations between religious groups. In order to bring out the particular difficulties of the argument from design, and the way in which it has only the façade of ordinary experimental reasoning, Hume suggests the analogy of a house. By the way – this video also influenced 38 million others (Yes, I said 38,000,000) It went VIRAL on YouTube because of his genuine enthusiasm and crying. The boy grinned. “Yes, sir!” He scurried away down the street. Scholars and teachers of knowledge have strongly urged against using names imitating Christianized (translated spelling and/or pronounciation) like; John (instead of Yahya – happy or joyful), or Peter (instead of Petra – solid, like a rock), or Mary (instead of Mariam). It is not permissible for Muslims to use these names, because that is imitating the Christians in the names that belong uniquely to them.
Initially they were titles that were added to names, then they started to be used as names. Other disliked named which are widespread in some Muslim countries are names which include the words al-Deen (or uddin/uddeen) and al-Islam, such as Noor al-Deen and ‘Imaad al-Deen or Noor al-Islam and so on. The reason why this is disliked is that when a person hears the name, he will think that it is describing the person named. Take care in choosing a child’s name, because this name will have a very important impact on the way a person sees themself and the way others react when being introduced or reflecting on the name of the person. Honor your child with an honorable name, a name to be confortable with and never ashamed of or saddend by. Remember, the name is a major influence on your child from the beginning, throughout and to the very end of their life.
End quote. Tasmiyat al-Wulood (p. One should not use names that have ugly meanings, or names that imply praise of a person, or names that have insulting meanings, even though names are just markers for people and are not intended to be a description of them. If you want to choose a name from one of the companions of the prophet, peace be upon him, or a righteous person, or one of the prophets, consider the child first and whether or not you think your child really suits that particular name and if it would really fit in the society and time your child lives in and will grow in. 1 – Is it recommended to ONLY CHOOSE names of companions of our prophet, peace be upon him. Any names with good meanings and positive aspects should be considered, as long as we avoid names with bad, negative or religious meanings outside the beliefs and teachings of Islam. Hence some of the scholars stated that they are haraam, but the majority are of the view that they are makrooh, because some of them suggest meanings that are incorrect and cannot be applied to a person.
These names are disliked by the scholars for both males and females, because they suggest exaggerated praise of their owners. 3 – One should avoid ugly names or those that praise their owners. Weak names can have negative impressions. You can send decent floral arrangements to the funeral home or residence of the family. This will help you prevent offending anyone with the same belief, especially the family. These simple practices will help you see God outside of difficult things, which will establish trust in your heart that He will move in your circumstances. Choose wisely – and ask Almighty to accept and help your child all through this life and for a better life in the Paradise. But if the non-Arabic name has a good meaning, there is nothing wrong with using it and giving it to one’s child. Whenever a child is born, it is her or his right to be given a proper, sound and good name. It takes its name from the collections of sacred texts known as the Vedas. Among them was Triton whose name was given in 1846 by William Lassell to the principal moon of the planet Neptune. The parents should choose a good name for their child, and it should not be weird or odd in the society in which they live, because having an odd name may cause the name or its owner to be made fun of, and he may feel too shy to mention his name to people.